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Today the Supreme Court of the United States

Today the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing an ICWA case out of South Carolina.  The fate of a three year little girl rest with these nine jurists.  Does Veronica  stay with her biological father or return to her adoptive parents?  The SCOTUS decision is expected in June.

If you are interested in reading about Baby Veronica. Use your search engine and search for ” Baby Veronica ICWA .” If you chose to reseach this case, please read both sides before you form an opinion about whose side is the correct side. 

The Indian Child Welfare Act is a Federal Law.  It involves the Native American Tribes and children with indian hereitage placed for adoption.  This case like all cases involving children and their welfare it is very complicated. 

Baby Veronica needs a secure loving  home. Keep her wellbeing in your thoughts.